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Stashed Away

So I am unfortunately a little behind on my step by step posts. Quilting is an art and not a science and fits no timeline. Hopefully I will be back on track for the next post. In the meantime, I thought I would talk about my hoarding problem.

Every meme you have ever seen about stashing fabric, never having enough fabric, and quilting in general are all 100% true. Quilting shops are dangerous places. How can I resist? There are all kinds of fabric in a stash.

My sewing space is scattered with these fancy shmancy bins.

These contain the most organized level of my fabric stash. Each bin has a planned (ish) project inside. For example, this one has everything in it for the pineapple quilt I am working on.

This one isn't as planned out. It has some ideas (mostly from Pinterest) and matching Halloween fabric that I "had to have".

Some of these have been in their bins for quite a while and are just waiting on a plan. I have had these for quite some time.

The next portion of fabric stash is mostly comprised of leftovers. It is always safer to buy extra fabric than to run out, so often, I finish a quilt and have some fabric left. It goes here.

These sometimes get used later as fillers in projects. Sometimes they get thrown into the scrap bin. These can also be used for binding as well.

I also have a cabinet full of misfit fabrics that I have acquired many different ways. My grandma gave me many of these. These are fantastic for throwing into projects.

Like any good quilter, I have a stash of holiday fabrics. They are painfully seasonal and equally as painfully irresistible.

I also have a collection of collection fabrics. These are fabrics that designers make to all match and go together which can save time for me. I find myself sometimes too afraid to use these sometimes just because they are so beautiful! Here are a couple I love.

And here are a few quilts I have made using collections.

My favorite (yes mothers have favorites) portion of my stash is my batiks! 9 times out of 10 the fabrics I can't resist in the fabric store are batiks and consequently I have amassed quite the collection. but can you blame me?

I love using Batiks in my quilts. They have a color quality that is just breathtaking.

As always, thanks for reading! And please do not hesitate if you see anything you like and have need of it. I would love to plan a project with you.

Also! I am debuting my new logo designed by Leah Meyers at Pure Joy Designs!


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